Welcome to the 转移中心!
- 新? Start Here ----> 概述 of the Transfer Process.
- Identify the way you want to stay connected with us 为 timely transfer announcements, 截止日期、韦德1946网站.
- View How-To Access the 转移中心 在你的 Canvas学生支持中心!
- 申请调职?
- 参加 Transfer Application Workshops,使用 Transfer 应用资源指南, receive 1:1 application support!
- *新*资源页: Transfer Students and Financial 援助
- Connect 为 application support with the 转移中心
Application access and completion support is available at the 转移中心 Computer Lab (Buliding 700, Second Floor, Room 761/758 near the Elevator) with Counselor Assistant 西莉亚:
- 星期一:12-2pm
- 星期二:11 am-1pm
- 星期三:2-5pm
- 周四:12-2pm
- Celia can help you schedule 为 an appointment with a 转移中心 Counselor 为 如有需要,请进一步咨询.
Drop-in with Counselor Rozen 为 support with transfer questions, admission/TAG denials, transfer admissions and course planning:
- 星期二:1-2pm
- 周四:1-2pm
- 星期五:9-10am
- Be ready to provide your W数量 to join 转移中心 Drop-In at 转移中心 on second floor, 700年建筑, near the Elevator
- On-campus appointments are available Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays so reach out 女士. 西莉亚在 crodriguez-ramirez@lzywby.com 安排!
Zoom-in with Counselor Frances 为 support:
- 星期一:1-2pm
- Tuesdays: 12-1pm (not available on May 7th)
- 周四:12-1pm
- Join Counselor Frances' Zoom Room
- Zoom appointments are available everyday of the week. 向女士伸出援手. 西莉亚在 crodriguez-ramirez@lzywby.com 安排!
Please reach out to Counselor Frances at ffon@lzywby.com :
- what you know about your transfer plan or goals
- 目的主要
- 转校意向
- intended semester you will be at university
- W数量
- You can include your list of questions and
- any widest availability and preference 为 online or on-campus appointment, etc., and I'll do my best to support.
Check out the transfer events calendar 为 转移研讨会, transfer advising with prospective institutions, and university-sponsored transfer events such as Open Houses and On-the-Spot 招生 天!
The “大学 转移中心 seeks to support students through the 转移过程 so you can achieve and earn your bachelor degree! We provide in为mation, resources, services, and learning opportunities so one can make in为med decisions about one's transfer goals and destinations. 合作伙伴 your counselor, family, support network, and let's make the most of your Transfer 旅程!
Poke around our webpages and contact us to further inquire and connect with our services 和资源.
- In为mation, Guides, 学习 Opportunities:
- 转学过程
- PSCN 18: University Transfer 规划 Course
- 通识教育模式
- 转移清晰度
- Transfer 应用资源指南
- University Advising and Connection Opportunities:
- 项目/合作伙伴:
- 转移研讨会 和支持:
- 应用ing to CSU, UC, POST (Private/Out-of-State)
- Financial 援助 and Transfer Students
- UC Personal Insight 问题
- Next Steps: I've Applied, Now What?
- Next Steps: Admitted, Denied, Waitlist, Appeal?
- Next Steps: University Financial 援助 Awards
- Next Steps: Transfer Transitions
- 计算机实验室和学习区:
- Computer lab with print station to do your homework, conduct transfer research, apply to transfer schools, financial aid, and scholarships.
- Meet with 转移中心 Counselors 为 transfer application and transition support. We can be of particular support 为 you in the following ways:
- If you are in the midst of working on transfer applications or 在你的 last year at Chabot be为e transferring to the university.
- 合作伙伴 you to research and plan transfer options that may be more unique such as those to private/out-of-state insitutions or you come with prior university coursework 和/或学位(年代).
- Support you from application through to transitioning to the university!
- (510) 723-6720
- 700年建筑 - 2楼761室
- (510) 723-7686
- 星期一:朝九晚五的
- 星期二:朝九晚五的
- 周三:9 am-6pm
- 星期四:朝九晚五的
- 星期五:朝九晚五的
Ms. 弗朗西丝·丰 (她/她)
- Counselor/Instructor - 转移中心
- ffon@lzywby.com
- Please include W数量 in email when possible